Tuesday, May 25, 2010

RUN NO. 2178- 18 MAY 10 - KAPOK KANAN

Cave enroute

The hares: Cath B/Clare C/Pickled Lilli
Guest Gina with GM Bunny Girl
A new hashhandle in the offing "The joker"? rather than Speedo?

Hashit accepted in good humour

RUN NO. 2178
DATE: 25 MAY 2010
HARES: Pickled Lilli/Cath B/Clare Cole

Our faithful simpang leader 'Call Girl' sends the all too familiar txt around, "Pick up at 16.45!" Thank goodness, because without it I would find 20 or more...reasons to stay home and drink white wine instead. As usual it is always 100% worth the effort. Great work out, live entertainment, delicious food and G & T if you fancy from Legally Blonde.

We arrive at the hash site to softly falling rain. As we gather waiting for the horn, Bunny Girl informs the ladies it is hilly and slippery run ahead. A mere hour for the walkers and hopefully quicker for the front runners. More than likely a muddy behind for some ladies with only trainers.. time to buy those football boots!

5:15 the horn went - off we went , well... sort of - A very steep hill to start the run with. Working large muscle groups gets the heart working and for sure mine was almost beating out of my chest.. Is the hill going to stop? Finally.. a slower pace as the call for 'checking from here' is heard. I must admit this is one of my favourite calls on the hash as it allows an opportunity to slow down in search of the check. Misuzu flies off to the left in search of the hidden check, Ryvita and Virginie are ahead checking and Satu Lagi arrives at the bottom of the hill and is just about to help checking, when we hear a distant call 'on paper'. The first check was found!

We were led to climb again, this time, a steeper hill and with twists and turns (those football boots would have come in very handy!). When we reached the top of the hill, a fantastic view of the Muara port appeared with a beautiful sea breeze, aaaahhh..!

Long steep slippery down hills and few more ups and downs we finally came out of the jungle.
The sky was an odd orangey colour and there were some storm clouds in the distance...

Let the live entertainment begin! We welcomed the first time guest from Wellington, New Zealand - Gina, introduced by Rachel who by minutes missed the 5.15 horn and was given the hash-shit for not introducing her guest to the GM in time. Cleverly she didn't get changed until after the dousing of water! Well done Rachel. We were entertained by numerous jokes by Nancy - "A statue and Mr. Smith" was the winning joke of the night, made everyone laugh! Down came the rain, followed by delicious food - blood sugar levels stable, time to relax and catch up with friends. On-on!

NEXT RUN: Spg 1067 Jln Muara, Kg Salambigar
HARES: Call Girl/Mizusu/Nicole

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