I arrived at the site nice and early, I sorted out my bits i.e; put my shoes and socks on and took the water and bucket up that steep driveway!
Read on...about the adventures of the Brunei Hens as they treck through the jungle
Front Horn : Ruthless Pursuit Back Horn : Claire ( the sax player )
Sarah, Danielle & I headed off in the rain towards Diplo & actually made the horn this week which is a rare thing. Tango, Speedo & Ruthless Pursuit off again at lightning pace. They were slowed down at the first check tho’ with hashers going off in all directions in search of paper.
Finally Sarah found the trail & we were back on paper with Speedo & co having to first find their way back through the jungle after the search.
I tried to keep up with Ruthless Pursuit but there was no holding her back. The other front runners had soon caught up again & were fast overtaking until we came across the huge log which slowed them down. There was another way around which a couple of us took & I was surprised to find myself once again up the front, thinking that if I kept up the pace going up towards the ridge I may just stay ahead.
Ruthless Pursuit was spotted returning from the 2nd check & we turned back at this stage to follow the trail going in the opposite direction & back on paper. Danielle & Squeek just up ahead & we came out first with Tango & the others not far behind. A great trail with a bit of everything thrown in !
Back to the tent where we celebrated Smurfs 550 runs & Possums 200th. Lolly scramble followed with Possum giving out chocolates & then we all enjoyed the salads & chicken that the hares had done.
Sarah & I had to collect the signs & I jumped out at the lights & ran to get the last one then disappeared down the drain ! Must have been funny to see but my knee so sore I wasn’t laughing & worried that I may be out of action for laying next weeks hash.
Well I arrived late as usual to a lonely Hash site and the vision of cleared Jungle in front of me.
Off I trekked into the juggle saying to myself for the 4th week that I must get a new pair of Hash Shoes ones that actually have rubber stops and not like my current tired shoes.
It was not long before a could hear voices up ahead and letting out my usual On On call a reply came echoing back. I stumbled across Madam Sin, Smurf and Possum like the three musketeers ,who had only been in the jungle for about 7 minutes and had advised me they had already taken 3 wrongs turns, it was now more like 3 Blind Mice!. Off I ran to try and catch the rest of the pack, it was Trailblazer who advised me in a motherly tone as I ran through , I hope your taking this all in for the words, my reply was of course lots of green and lots of water.
I don’t recall ever so many water crossing of various sizes and degrees of difficulty – “All Good I say”!
In fact I noted that at no time during the whole run the sound of running water could not be heard, this was very peaceful and soothing. As usual Dadap had enough mosquito to eat you alive so no time to dawdle.
I made good time and back to the camp site. My apologies to those who took on the horns and those who found the checks as I did not record this valuable statistic, as I was kept rather busy at the Hooley Dooley Barr.
(Two new members Elaine and Shantal were welcomed to the coop. ED)
Great Run Ladies and really Yummy Tucker, thanks heaps.
On On