Sunday, February 05, 2017


RUN NO. 2528
DATE: 31 JAN 2017
HARES: Mrs Pingu/Edna

Last Tuesday we were blessed with a beautiful, clear, sunny day with not even the threat of rain.  And so it was, in the sweltering heat of the late afternoon, we all gathered at Kapok Kanan keen and eager to tackle the run.  Not even the thought of that rather daunting climb up the Serasa hill was enough to dampen our spirits on this glorious afternoon.

Just before run time Psycho called for people to volunteer to be horns and Merryl (front horn) and Tracy (back horn) quickly volunteered, well done ladies.  5.15 quickly rolled around and off we all went towards the in trail. From there we went up.  And up.  And up.  Luckily for me there was a bit of a plateau about half way up where I was able to catch my breath before heading up again (yep, sadly the up’s were not all done yet.)

Once we reached the top of the hill (mountain?) it was along the trail in a slightly different direction to what we normally would.  For those of us who thought we knew the area quite well this was indeed a pleasant change, especially as it was a bit of an easier route than previously used to get to our destination.  
The trail was absolutely gorgeous (as the jungle always is in Brunei) and led us to a large rock face called (by Lone Ranger) the Wailing Wall.  From there the trail twisted on and off the ridge before finally reaching the exit down past the pondoks and along the slippery concrete path.  Along the way were three checks of which check 1 was apparently the worst (“the most fiendish”, “the most dastardly”, “the most tricky” were some of the adjectives I heard used to describe it). 

After exiting the jungle it was it was time for some hard earned libations and a bit of socializing before the shout-up.  After thanking the hares and the horns we got down to the nitty-gritty.  We had two FTGs, one from the UK and one from America.  There were no new members L.  A few announcements were announced, including some information (BYO boyfriend/husband/love of your life/dog …) about the upcoming Valentines Day run (aptly on Valentines Day, Feb 14). 

Next week’s run is the Waitangi Day Run (celebrating NZs national day).  Don’t forget to wear black or one of your Kiwi shirts.  There will be a quiz with Kiwi prizes so brush up on your NZ knowledge.
HARES: Twinkle Toes/Squeak/MGTS  

On on.

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