Saturday, December 28, 2013

RUN NO. 2366 SPG 420 JLN MUARA 24 DEC 2013

RUN NO. 2366
DATE: 24 DEC 2013
HARES: Trailblazer/Tina

Twas the afternoon before Christmas and all through Brunei

Some hashers were stirring, getting ready to try.

The trail had been laid through the simpangs with care,

In hopes that the checks would stump the hashers there.

Tina and Trailblazer were nestled all snug in their lair,

Ready to duck down should some hashers appear.

With visions of Christmas dinner dancing in their heads,

They were hoping that the hens wouldn’t stay in their beds.


When out in Tina’s compound there arouse such a clatter,

The neighbours peered over to see what was the matter.

Away to the windows they flew in a flash,

Peeped through the curtains or edged up the sash.

The sun shone on the compound ready to show,

Gave the lustre of mid day to the objects below.

When what to their wondering eyes should appear,

But hens congregating at the site, 5.15, be there!


When a little hasher came carrying in the JM’s bin,

I knew in that moment it must have been Madam Sin!

More rapid than eagles, the hashers they came,

As she whistled, then shouted and called them by name.


Now Zur! Now Maisayo! Now Alice in Wonderland!

On Readymix! On Hash hound! On Jenny on the Block!

To the sound of the horn! To the noise of us all,

Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!

The hashers they started, but were ready to stop,

Whenever someone called out for a photo op.

Along the trail, the hashers they flew,

With backpacks full of water, and camera’s too!


And then in a twinkling, I heard from quite near,

More chattering and talking as the hares did appear.

As they had a quick drink and were wandering around,

Down the simpang the hens, they came with a bound.

The run it was over, but do not despair,

Much fun and laughter was to be had there.

There was food to be eaten and jokes to share,

Plus presents chosen and wrapped up with care.

The heavens they opened and down the rain fell,

But the hashers weren’t deterred and soon all was well.

At the end of the night it was time for all to go,

Some left quite fast, and some left quite slow.

But as they left I heard them exclaim,

As they shouted greetings to each other by name,

And then just before they drove out of sight,

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

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