Friday, August 31, 2012

RUN NO. 2297 DIPLO - 28AUG2012

RUN NO. 2297
DATE: 28 AUGUST 2012
HARE: Satu Lagi
FRONT HORN: Mrs Pingu  BACK HORN: Eastern Promise

Welcome back holiday makers. There were a few tired but still enthusiastic hashers at tonight’s run at the old favorite site Diplo. Satu Lagi laid the run as no one else had put their hand up. Was lovely to see the few of the regular hashers who have returned from their holidays for a catch up and abit of a chat about their various exotic holidays.

Off we went at 5.15. It was quite warm in the jungle tonight, usually I like to run but the stifling heat and extra holiday kilos was turning me into a walker! On we go. Well it was Diplo ups and downs, no matter how many times I go into this part of the jungle I never seem to recall where the tracks go; it looks different every time – perhaps concentrating on not tripping on roots or falling into the stream is the problem.
There were 3 checks although I don’t remember who found them. But thank you. And being Diplo a couple of streams to cross. On the way towards the out path we came across possum and smurf who were pointing out the abundant fungal growth on a fallen tree. They pointed out to us that we must sometimes step out of the race and admire nature. However in a few minutes I was simply cursing nature.

Happily and as usual naively I continued on towards the out trail. Sometimes nearing the end of a trail can excite a person and so I decided it was time to begin a little jogging. I felt something hit me on the lip not unlike someone throwing gorse in your face hard. Out of bottom of my eyes (um the nose did not hinder this vision) I had thought I saw a creature clinging to my chin for life and then biting me! “Something bit me!” I yelled to anyone who would listen. No doubt the heightened hysterical voice of fright. Psycho looked and me and my lip with abit of drool hanging off (it became numb rather quick) and then told me to run as we were nearly out. A lovely lady ran with me to make sure I was ok. By the time we reached the end it was of course fine and just numb at this point.

After seeing the other sting injuries, Deborah’s eye and Mrs Pingu who had to go to RIPAS I became more concerned for them. Trailblazer and Eastern promise provided me with excellent first aid. Vinegar, antihistamine (very relaxing) and antiseptic cream. Now I’d also like to mention these were not the only mishaps of the night! Briony hurt her ankle and was icing it while Dee was also unwell and icing her knees.
The shout up was the usual singing, drinking and be merry announcements plus the extra Happy Birthday song. I believe the hash-shit bucket and chicken is still missing in action which of course is such a shame. Bring a plate was the usual table of delicious goodies. I really love seeing and trying all the different food items that people bring. I also have the willpower of a Labrador so added to my increased holiday coat.

A note that next week’s run will be at Lucky Gardens (not kanan kapok, my inexperience of hash sites meant I did not realize that Serasa Hill is actually kanan kapok opps! Many apologies next week’s hares) from the Hash House aka Erin’s. Also it probably won’t be a late one as some of us (not me) have to work. Bring a chair.
OnOn! Kathryn

HARES: Kathryn & Karlene (K2)

Friday, August 24, 2012

RUN NO. 2296 DIPLO - 21 AUG 12

RUN NO. 2296
DATE: 21 AUG 2012
HARES: Trailblazer/Duchess/Sarong

Not a lot of hens turned up this Tuesday at Diplo. Of course, some folk are still on holiday, some are celebrating Hari Raya but enough of us gathered at the site to carry out another successful hash!

The tent did not appear, despite phone calls between ‘tent-arranging’ hens. No tent meant there were no tables or chairs, but we managed.

I tried to carry out my duties as JM, persuading ladies to carry the horns, meeting and greeting guests, demonstrating my ‘Scottish burr’ for Debra’s amusement. (Earl Gray, Rufus, Roger and Roderick!) and generally trying to be efficient in case anyone reported me to Alison or Sue!

Mad Margaret kindly ‘volunteered’ to be front horn and led the hens into the jungle.

Debbie, Jan and I lingered for a few minutes to lock away the car keys etc. and then set off after the pack. Unfortunately we were not paying attention and somehow or other managed to enter the jungle by the out paper. Talking too much had absolutely nothing to do with it!

So we ambled along the ridge thinking to ourselves that the paper was pretty sparse, until we came to Legally Blond (who had also gone the wrong way!) looking very perplexed as the paper appeared to go in both directions! Legally Blond took off again, in what we figured was the correct direction and we trotted (not really a trot, more of a crawl!) behind her until we came to an obstacle which we decided not to tackle.

We were still discussing our mistake of going the wrong way when we got back to base camp and checked with Yann. Duh! We went in backwards. Glamour said she had watched us with some amusement!

Not long after that the front runners, including some of our first time guests came running out of the jungle. The consensus seemed to be it was a very nice hash and not too long. Karlene found the first and second checks and Mad Margaret found the third.

At the shout up Duchess, Trailblazer and Sarong (Irene wasn’t at the shout up) were thanked and down downed. We then sang Happy Birthday for Duchess. Ellen presented Duchess with a delectable chocolate birthday cake which we devoured later.

The first time guests, Josephine, Margaret, Lindsey and Rebecca, all from JIS were welcomed to the hash and they have promised to return. Rebecca bought hash shoes, so she has to come back!

Legally Blond entertained us with a joke. Naj announced a few things for sale and also told us that Cowgirl had become engaged. Congratulations!

Hash Shit was given to Mad Margaret for talking whilst I was prattling on and then shared with Marcella because she had the audacity to hurt my delicate feelings!

I’m not really all that delicate but the power rush is tremendous when you dole out the hash shit!

Our hares provided delicious chicken curry (cooked by Duchess) which was served from the back of Duchess’s new car.

Next week’s run was vacant and at the last minute Satu Lagi has stepped in to save our beef bacon! Thanks Maria.

As it is a last minute hash please bring some food to share.

On on   NEXT RUN: DIPLO---- Pls bring a plate of food to share--- HARE: Satu Lagi

Monday, August 20, 2012


RUN NO. 2295
DATE: 14 AUG 2012
HARES: Mrs Pingu/GI Jane
Having just returned from 3 weeks holiday and not doing much in the way of exercise except for the brisk walks from car to shops, I was a bit apprehensive about whether I would make the run or give it a miss. But, had to do the report as laying run next week - reality! Besides I was running late as was finding work really slow (mentally still in holiday mode) and when 4.30 came round was at Jalan Gadong at 4.30 and a detour back home before going to Dadap. Anyway, full steam ahead and wary of not breaking the speed limit was at Jalan Dadap by 5.30pm.
As I arrived, saw Eastern Promise gearing up to go but she was not going in, also saw Peehen and Possum walking but no recognition from them as I drove past- I must have been away too long. Quick sign in and followed the paper in by the waterfall. The waterfall seemed a long way in - third run at Dadap in three months for me so I hurried along mindful of my lateness. I did noticed the stream level was quite low compared to the run I did with Pee Wee just three weeks before. As usual the trails were very pretty and when we got to the top of a ridge, parted ways with GM and JM Cheryl. Kathryn and her mum decided to carry on and we stayed together for a while.
We wound our way thru the jungle and was pleased to be within hearing range of the mosque and when I saw the first check paper from the previous run, knew we would soon be out . All good, and although we were right at the back was out within the hour.

Thank you hares for a great run.
Shout up was a bit noisy and JM Cheryl had to repeat herself a few times trying to remind hens about the Founders Day Theme. No hashit was given and all soon tucked into the yummy laksa. Jetlag and mosquitoes got the better of me and yours truly retired early!
HARES: Trailblazer/Sarong/Duchess

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


RUN NO. 2294

As I drove to the hash site, as you looked up in the sky it was difficult to tell if the sky was still hazy or with rain clouds. The answer was soon apparent as I got out of the car and there were a few spits of rain; luckily this soon passed.

With the promise of good trails - we were not disappointed. Everyone set off, tempted by the campers at the water hole with their BBQ (but all resisted), and continued up the hill til the ridge. One of the advantages of arriving as the horn blew and everyone started (I know I only live round the corner and I am not ay work - so no excuses for being late) is that you're at the back when the rest of the group arrives at first check. So when I heard the call I had just approached a fork in the path which led me to the 'on paper'.

So now being at the front meant I was the first to find the second check point; obliged to check ahead I carried on down the hill, after some time I realized that this was not the right path so headed back up the hill. Before I could catch up with Ready Mix - she called "on on". So we were all on our merry way again- good paths through some beautiful trails. Naturally the hares had set the check half way down yet another hill. Again obliged to check ahead I followed the trail; random pieces of paper left me hopeful and also the thought that surely the hares would not set 3 back checks, I carried on with a few others. This was until we heard the call, which meant trudging up the hill again.

Thanks Squeak for blowing the horn until we had caught up, as we were a long way off and could easily have gone the wrong way.  The path took us straight out with a short run downhill back to the start. Thanks ladies for some good trails, there may have only been one big hill, but checkpoints down the hills meant that a few of us did a few more!

With rain holding off we had a good shout up back at Hotlips pad. All were in good spirits with Cfbters getting ready for their long awaited holiday. Welcome to a few newbies and Welcome back  to Debbie who is back for a few more years. On on.....


Monday, August 06, 2012

RUN NO.2293 SUBOK 31 JUL 2012

RUN NO. 2293
DATE: 31 JULY 2012
HARES: Karlene/Duchess of Cambridge/Nicki TC

Last weeks run at Subok was a real treasure! We havent been on such a pretty site for a while. We started with a lovely warm welcome from the local children on our way in and the thought of the impending, usual Subok hill was dispersed by the beautiful setting. We had it all. Palms, waterfall and beautiful flora and fauna. This made the walk so easy and pleasurable for all and we took our time for a change enjoying the scenery. The views from the top were stunning. on our way down we met with a local who kindly gave us some of their local fruit Assam Jawah straight from the tree. An unusual and very welcome treat .
Afterwards at the shout up we welcomed a new guest called Astrid whom we hope will come back again and our lovely Rachel was welcomed as a new member!!! Lovely food afterwards girls too - many thanks. A fantastic run!!

NEXT RUN: Salambigar waterfalls, Menteri Link
HARES: Madmarg/Hotlips/Hash Hound