Monday, May 18, 2009

RUN NO. 2125 - DIPLO

Run No 2125
Date: 12 May 2009
Site: Diplo
Hares: Alison, Cheryl and Sue
Hens: 53 Chicks: 2

My co hare Linda did run (walk) the Diplo site last week and was to do the write up for last weeks run but is in hospital having an operation, what a way to get out of writing the words! Good luck, hope all goes well Linda and we will be thinking of you.

Now I didn’t run last week as I had done 3 days of recce for another run and was pooped, no other way to describe it, so had a birds eye view for a change sitting in (hash) sartorial spendour all cool and scrubbed up and seeing the first of Tuesdays elite running coterie staggering in red faced gasping to confront the hares of the day,

“Didn’t know there where so many **#* hills in Diplo” !

“Nice one girls, did you deliberately look for every hill in the jungle”!

Then the gaggle arrived in little groups,

“good run, so many hills, thought I might die on the last one”

“Bill’s Hill, was that where I was, that was where Jane and Malcolm spent the night’ should change the name to Honeymoon Hill”. Good luck to you too Jane, hope your run was a success.

Racket tailed drongos? Heard tin cans rattling, was that the sound they make”????

And so another lovely run in what is still an untouched bit of jungle just hanging in there as we are being encroached by diplomatic residences. No tent, we are having a little problem with the tent suppliers according to Alice so a large number of hash chairs were produced from boots and we all settled down under another lovely Brunei evening sky

Shout Up proceeded in orderly fashion then we were all tasked to revert to childhood to play paper- rock- scissors but with a twist which had many of us struggling with coordination skills. No hashit was awarded as far as I can recall. A lovely healthy supper was provided by the hares and another Tuesday evening passed in contentment

On On. Magic.

NEXT RUN: Lucky Gardens
HARE: Magic Roundabout

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