Monday, October 27, 2008

RUN NO. 2096

DATE: 21 October
HARES: Amanda S/Tango/Tina I/Gill L (virgin)
FRONT HORN: Carol (with apprentice Sarah G) BACK HORN: Naj

It was a nice change to run on the ‘other side’ of Serasa Hill, but it was still a hill. The hens gathered at the start of the run and we had a newbie front horn - Sarah G. There was a bit of confusion as we could not find the paper to start the run, which we thought was a bit of an early check, but it was soon found hiding under the parked cars. As the location suggests, we were on a hill straight away…up the road and into the jungle..up and up we went. The trail led into the thick of the jungle, with plenty of bamboo, vines and thorns in and around the area and the trail just kept going up.

There weren’t many options for other routes and we soon found ourselves at the top of the ridge and on to the right. As the path split there were discussions as to which way the on paper would be…but as a dutiful front runner, I accompanied the front horn (who was in training) to the check point and checked on ahead. Of course ahead for me, meant going back down the hill and past the cave, with only signs of old paper, and it was not surprise to hear the call of ‘on paper’ by Anna who had found the trail just before the trig point.

We scrambled back on to paper and continued along the ridge…I had not even caught up with the horn, when the hens were checking again. This time the checkpoint had been down the hill a little and the on paper (found by Magic Roundabout – I think!) took us along the ridge even further. The third check was further along the ridge and gave us an option of up the hill or down. Maria, Claire and I decided to check down and Maria was pleased to find the on paper (her first).

The paper led us down and down and down…traversing along slippery muddy slopes we traveled for quite a while. It was quite slow going as we walked along sloping edges but I was quite glad that we were at the front as it had not been too trodden and it was not that dark yet. From the slopes to a flatter overgrown area, we soon heard civilization and saw some houses, which led us on to the road. As I read the simpang numbers I knew we had a fair way to go and so I got myself into a running stride and nosily explored the residential area that I did not know existed by the yacht club.

First runner was out before dark and the rest of the hens came back in trickles until we were all safely back in the coup. That is to say except one runner…Glamour …you were lucky this week…fancy forgetting to sign in!

So …. to some up the run..when the venue has a the know there is gonna be a lot of ups and what goes up….must come down.

…. And there were three virgins tonight. There was a virgin hare – Gill, virgin front horn – Sarah G and a virgin ‘on paper’ finder – Marie. I am sure I know a song about that….but we will let Madonna sing that one.

NEXT RUN: Bukit Marakuching, Jln Subok (Halloween run) - 6pm start - Bring a torch.
it should not be too long a run..will just depend on how fast you can go up hills….yes I know Bukit Marakuching is a hill!
HARES: Carol/Trish
ON ON AT: #52 Spg 564 Jln Subok for the shout up and get yourself dressed up.

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