Tuesday, August 05, 2008

RUN NO. 2084

DATE: 29 July 2008
SITE: Jalan Dadap
HARES: Jane/Julia
FRONT HORN: Magic Roundabout BACK HORN: Naj

There was a small gathering of hens tonight due to the school holidays. It was a beautiful evening and everyone seemed in high spirits and ready to go, waiting for that familiar blast of the horn. Off we headed in to the jungle following Magic roundabout, the beginning bit was very muddy, a good introduction to hashing for my first time guest.

It wasn't long before we got back onto a good running trail to the waterfall, where we went off to the right and followed a new trail crisscrossing a few streams until we were nearly at first check and heard “Checking from here”. It didn't seem too long before on on was called and away we went up a nice steep hill and then up and over a few smaller hills before getting back on a familiar trail. Third week guest Gillian found first check Great Job!

Sue found second and third check, Well done Old Timer. We had one more stream crossing then shortly after that we were out. My visitor enjoyed the lovely trail through the jungle.

It was a great run/walk.

The shout up was back at Julia's place. The hashit went to Maria for constantly arriving at the Hash with un unidentified MALE & Ready Mix - GM for forgetting to introduce our guest, OOPS! Yummy food was kindly served by Jane & Julia so thanks girls for another pleasant evening.

On On!!!

NEXT RUN: Tanjung Bunot Kanan
HARES: Legally Blonde/Mad Marg

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