Monday, March 06, 2017

RUN NO. 2532 DIPLO 28 FEB 17

RUN NO. 2532
DATE: 28 FEB 2017

Weather was perfect for the H3 St David's Day run. Cloudy with plenty of breeze all around. Ripper called the hens to order asking for volunteers for front horn, taken up by Lykke and back horn to which the hash was at one of it's quietest for a minute before Squeak offered to squeeze the squeaky blue horn in the jungle. No info could be gotten from the hares about how long it is, what colours are the checks and how many there were which turned out fab anyway as it is what it is! A jungle run/walk. Once you're in, you just gotta get yourself out.

To the honks of the front horn at exactly at 5:15pm, off we all trotted. In and down we went through trails that hasn't been used by ladies hash in a LONG time and boy were there hills.. Steep steep hills.. Despite the glutes entered exer-cises it was a lovely run with plenty of stream crossings, hill climbing and slid-ing before finding ourselves back to the starting point. First check was a tricky one that sent hens all over the jungle and the second one easier and more obvi-ous. It was such a great run that front runner hens went back in for a second loop only to find themselves, LOST.. Getting dark and close to shout out, Yogi Beer, one of the hares took to blowing the horn at the start of the trail helping to direct the lost hens back to site.

All hens safely out and cleaned up, the hash was called to order with an acknowledgement and thanks to the hares of the run. Just one FTG, Leia brought by Goodnight Kiwi. A very gungho hasher from the get go! She had hurt her an-kle just over the weekend having done 88 km out of her very first 100km run and she was there at hash. Kudos and congratulations to the woman for going so far and being level headed to stop pushing her body when required. 2 new members from the CfBt crew were also welcomed. Sophia from Boston and Katie from Ireland. Footloose received her potty for 50 runs. Followed by announcements with Sarah for Serunai Singers, kids hash in Rimba and Gin Trap's wiggle order having gone out but there are three hens who are going to make a 2nd order. 

Ask before it's too late! Yogi Beer did a joke about a man with 3 wishes and he want-ed to be the cleverest human so the genie turned him into a woman. For eats, there were beautiful curries and rotis all around with a notable mention for the aubergine curry which was polished off quick!


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