Sunday, January 03, 2010

RUN NO. 2158 - 29 DEC 2009

Hashit handover



Hares Velma/Jane/Sarong

RUN NO. 2158
DATE: 29 DEC 09

Having dropped off the sign-in sheet earlier, a few hens had just started gathering at the waterfall entrance frequently used by the public. Off I went home to get ready, and by the time I was back at the site, quite a number of hens were raring to go.

The hares had promised two runs with one short and a regular (not long) run. Off we went past some locals heading home out after probably a nice day by the waterfalls. We were going along some nice trails before the up and down and up and down started. We huffed and puffed and soon the sign for the short run that veered off to the right was sighted. Quite a few went on the short (including Back Horn) and the rest chugged slowly up the hill. Pretty trails with low levels at the waterfalls so no dramatic scenes were apparent although had it been wetter, the trails would have been much harder to master.

First check was found by Jessica and it was reported that Buster was useless and will now be confined to being a back sweeper rather than a front runner. Did not hear what happened at the other checks, although believe they were good ones as we caught up with the front runners a few time soon after checks. All were out not long after the hour, and it was noticeable that the days were beginning to get lighter. This should be the case now until June.

We then all adjourned to Jane’s abode and Diva was raring to go as JM and after introducing our three guests that were present, thank you's were given to the producers of the calendar, MadMarg, Kitchen Goddess and Pickled Lili.

Hashit was given to Tina K as her guest (who had rushed off to her duty on the airport control tower and so did not see her host getting doused). Tina tried to run away from Diva and hashit was well taken although a few of us remembered it was a while since – one xmas run at km 22.5 coastal highway some three years ago.

Fresh buns with a selection of fillings were served – thanks hares, and Jane handed a quiz sheet which had some interesting questions. This was won by Call Girls team and they got a box of Ferrero Rochers which they kindly shared around. Another great run laid by experienced hares. Thanks.

HARES: Diva/Trailblazer

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