Monday, January 09, 2017

RUN NO. 2524 DIPLO 3 JAN 2017

RUN NO. 2524
DATE: 3 JAN 2017

Tuesday night and the jungle is calling. It has missed seeing many of the hens who have been off to different pastures. A good size group formed around the tent, pre-run to catch up on holiday activities.

Diplo was the site for the first run of the year. Oh boy! Those hills were a killer for those of us who had over indulged and not exercised during the festive season. But a great start to our New Year resolutions to get fit. A little bit of everything as promised. There were two checks that were found fairly quickly. (Sorry didn't ask who found them).

The shout up started quickly once everyone was out of the jungle and changed. There were no FTG or new members, no hash shit or announcement. For entertainment - we  were all handed a drink to toast the New Year in and pledge ourselves to obey the hash rules. The rules are there to keep everyone safe and happy, respecting all members and their needs.

The hares served up health soup, bread and pasta salad to fill our tummies and make us feel good. There was plenty for seconds. Thank you hares for a lovely run and food.

Next week's run is at Kapok Kanan. Obviously there will be at least one hill!  Please bring a plate with food to share. I always love these nights as the hens always bring such a variety of lovely food to share.

On on Wonder Woman, Gin Trap and Lara.

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