Wednesday, December 09, 2015

RUN NO. 2468 SPG309 SUBOK 8DEC15

RUN NO. 2468
DATE 8 DEC 2015

It’s that time of year when a lot of hash members are away  so numbers are down but we still have a good turn out – about 24-25. 
Happy faces before the run.

A few minutes before 5.15 pm the JM, who also happened to be one of the hares informed us that there are 2 runs--- 1 long and 1 short and check papers  in yellow. There was a little confusion about who is having the front horn but quickly sorted when Downward Dog was given it. JOTB has the back horn. 
Then at a toot of the horn, down we run/ walk out of the on- site and turned right on the road, then left and up the road before we entered a hilly fruit orchard and a check. Poor Itchy Feet’s mum had slipped somewhere along the trail and had sustained some scratches on her leg but nothing serious. I believed they carried on and did the short run. 
Itchy Feet with her mum

We met Aunty Glamour on the trail

The first check took a bit of looking but was eventually found by JOTB near the top of a hill. Down the hill we went still in the fruit orchard until we came to a little hut. From then on it was an uphill affair. At the top, (or what we thought was the top) the trail led us downhill only to be faced with another steep hill ahead. Final push up that hill and we hit the ridge trail which was a little overgrown. 

Ladies even had time to clown around.

Peek-a-boo, can you see me?
Second check was found somewhere on the ridge and was nicely laid through. Easy trail run until we reached the pondok where we got off the ridge for a steep walk down. The trail back to on site led us through a bulldozed area and down the road through housing. 

On returning to onsite we were served mulled wine to help us revive. It turned out that the majority did the long run and about 4 people did the short run. 

Shout up was duly called by our solo JM and hares thanked and down-down. We were also entertained by little Gigi dancing to our hash songs! Threatened with hashit too for talking through shout up!

FTG Martine ( Patsy’s guest) from Australia was called up for a down- down.  JM Peewee announced that this is her 300th run and was down-down again. We were well behaved lot today so no hashit given.                                               
Introducing our two "Hashflash" - What Butt & Led Astray

Hash food was roti with vegetable curry sauce and nice chocolatety biscuits and German Christmas treats from Peahen including stollen. Another enjoyable evening of hashing was had by all I am sure.

ONON AT HORNBILL'S, MADANG - Please bring a chair.

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