Monday, June 06, 2011

RUN NO. 2232 - SG AKAR 31 MAY 2011

RUN NO. 2232
DATE: 31 MAY 2011
HARES: Alison/Sue/Cheryl

After parking the car and triple checking my handbrake I made the journey up the hill to the Hash site. For many this was enough of a Hash – and who can blame them – what a bloody hill!! Although there were very few of us gathered for the evenings run we all set off excited by the prospect of a new trail!

The walk down the hill concerned some as we knew we had to go back up to sign out but down we went and after crossing the busy road we were in the jungle. Thank goodness it hadn’t rained as it was slippery enough as we went up and down on the trail.

It wasn’t long before we hit the first check and with so few runners we were all at the front checking! GI Jane found the back check and we were off again. The trail had all the components of a good Hash run with hills, water, mud and brambles – lovely!! Satu Lagi was on top form and found checks 2 and 3 and then we were out.

We were greeted by the Hares Alison, Sue and Cheryl with a lovely cocktail and a gift of a bag to celebrate Alison’s 950 runs and Cheryl’s 450 runs – what a great achievement girls – and Alison nearly at her 1000 runs!!

Dizzy duly started the shout up and brought the Hares up so we could give them their much deserved down down. Alison and Cheryl also got another down down to celebrate their Run Awards which they had spent on the bags for us – so thank you! The Hares also gave prizes to the best and oldest Hash T- shirts which proved to be fun!

At this point the Bar Flies realised that we were being bitten alive but as nobody was prepared to venture down the hill to their cars to get their Off we decided that drinking more was a better option!

Legally Blonde told us some fab jokes and has kept some for next run which I look forward to! Madam Sin also added another joke to the evening’s entertainment. With jokes like these every week I am sure we wouldn’t miss Speedo so much!!

The Hash Shit came next which went to Legally Blonde – again – and MadMargz for not signing IN or OUT! However I hope none of the other Hash Chapters find out that we faked the water throwing!! We really are getting TOO soft!!

The Hares put on a lovely spread of pasta and salad with cake to follow. Thank you Hares for a great run, yummy food and a lovely gift!

HARES: Madmarg/Bunny Girl/Marcella

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