Friday, October 29, 2010

RUN NO. 2201 - 26OCT2010 - DIPLO

RUN NO. 2201
DATE: 26 OCT 2010
HARES: Squeek/Alice in Wonderland

It was a suitable night for a Halloween run, dark, gloomy, forbidding. A lowly, threatening sky and rumble of thunder in the distance. A few less than the usual gathering of hens set off, torches at the ready at 6.15pm with the promise of a flat run and only one hill. Haha we said, it is Diplo. How can one lay a run in Diplo with no hills.

Well we headed off down one of the Diplo intrails and did a sharpish left turn on a pleasantly trippy path, greeted by headstones and other macabre reminders that this was indeed nearly All Hallows Eve, a night for spirits both good and bad to pass through to our world for a brief moment and mingle with us in dark and frightening sights and sounds.

Gladdened by our little circle of light we wound our way along a series of paths, ever wary of lurking ghouls. A frightening scream gave a hint of what lay ahead. It was only a march of bull ants, each the size of a wee hashers little finger no less. Emboldened by fellow hashers the hapless victim was urged across the log, and we were on our way again. Dark, small paths, scary drop-offs into darkling waters. On, on we trudged wishing for hearth and home (or tent and Tigers.) However the path did in fact prove to be delightfully flat, however meandering it wandered. A miracle not to be denied on this most trying of nights.

A halt in the procession of strangely hushed hashers proved to be Velma’s throwing away of her camera in a wild sweep of arm and an ominous splash as it surely sank into the darkest of murk. A futile fumble in the gloom did not produce it and luckless Velma joined the throng lamenting her loss.

After 55 minutes we came to a recognizable spot and gasped our delight and being on the homeward leg. But more screams were ahead, and we were greeted by ghouls and their assistants with water bombs who took fiendish delight in squirting us and making us take fright and made us scream some more, which made those at the back who did not know what was happening scream in sympathy. ! Whew. We were past and on and out. A few mutters were to be heard in the ranks of no hills promised as we trudged up what could only have been a flat path that sloped uphill!! Would the hares be given the 'you know what' for lying? That is still to be decided as the decision was postponed to next week due to the lateness of the hour and hungry hens wanting to get on to celebrate their release from yet another night in darkest Diplo.

Our favourite tent welcomed us. Before Witches and wizards joined us, as we approached the tent we were greeted by Nurse Hot Lips dressing Call Girls wound. Apparently she had stepped into the drain before the run but managed to go round and was having a final dressing after the run - very courageous indeed - another casualty of the Diplo kind. We even had a Chinese Empress dowager, complete with pumpkin hat and stubby holder. Our shout up was delayed as a couple of hashers liked it in the jungle so much they delayed coming out. At last the shout up started.

Guests were welcomed and our JMs honoured two hashers with handles. The mighty Mani is now to be known as Minnie Mouse, no, the mighty Minnie is now to be known as Mani Mouse !! And Ice Queen Kelly is now to be known by her favourite and much desired tipple Strongbow.

And so another Halloween passed in the abode.

Thank you Committee for a scrumptious supper, which varied from soup and bread, vegetable curry and rice, pastas galore, noodles, dips and yummy biscuits.

P.S. Smurf, having taken last weeks advice and had her gingko and Omega 3s found her keys. We won’t ask her where she found them will we! And Luckless Velma had her luck changed by her camera’s retrieval the next morning by “lady hasher” of the day, Cannibal.

Alls well that ends well.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

RUN NO. 2200 - SPG 378 SUBOK - 19 OCT 2010

RUN NO. 2200
DATE: 19 OCT 2010
HARES: Jane/Tango/Speedo
BACK HORN: Trailblazer

High up by the water tower the hash was set to go. The words indicated ‘gentle hills’ but knowing we were starting on a ridgeline made me more than a little suspicious. However, all the pretty in pink ladies were ready for the challenge.

The trail went up a little way, then plunged down the hill, continuing down and down and down until I thought we might start tunneling (“I knew there were going to be hills – every step down will have to be regained before we get to the exit – who set this hash?” were just some of the comments I heard.) We went through some ‘tree tunnels’ before starting the inevitable up with a rope climb – very ‘Tarzan’, or rather, very ‘Jane!’. The up was everything I’ve come to expect from spg 378, and by the time I was out, I was definitely pink! The checks were found by Call Girl and Peewee. Congratulations on a hash well laid.

Being the breast cancer awareness run, there were marshmallows, lollies, and baileys waiting to greet us at the tent, along with pretty pink balloons. Everyone got ready for the shout up which was a real ‘bras on parade’ event! Thank you to the hares for the pink presents – I do like ‘hello kitty.’ There were 5, lets count that again, 5 first time guests – Kim, a boatie from Auz, Cam from Brunei, Rou Ling and her daughter Miriam from Singapore, and Kate from NZ – we are an international bunch. Tonight was also the last run for Not Yet who is off to Fiji – good luck Nellie, and keep the spare bedroom ready! It was also great to welcome back Mrs Pingu – we hope to see her again soon.

The hash hit was popular tonight with lots of taps and no returns, but finally we were ready for the hashit which was just as popular. Smurf had forgotten to sign out (again – is it fish oil or gingko tablets she needs? Can’t remember!). Also on the ‘naughty list’ were Shantal and Elaine who, although they had both had the most thorough training from some nameless saint hasher, still both forgot to introduce their guest to the JMs. tsk, tsk. Very well taken though.

We finished the evening with delicious baked potatos covered in baked beans and cheese, with cake for afters. Before everyone took off a group photo was taken to commemorate a very successful hash – congratulations to all.

HARES: Squeek/Alice in Wonderland
MISMANAGEMENT: Bring a plate to share...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

RUN NO. 2199 - 12 OCT - DIPLO

RUN NO. 2199
HARES: Sarong/Trailblazer/Dizzy -- surprise appearance
FRONT HORN: Ruthless Pursuit

The appointment at RIPAS over and feeling in the pink I made it to the Diplo site with time to spare. A rather aggressive horn blower set the run off early and we made our way around and about searching for paper before heading down into the valley and the large log over the creek. We turned left and went up a real tumour of a hill that seemed to go on without end. Thankfully it leveled off after a while and we could catch our breath.

We could hear checking in the distance. I asked for a second opinion and this confirmed that the on on paper was being called down in the valley. We lost the height we had gained and crossed the stream at the bottom of the hill. We set off on the right and passed a couple of well known land marks; the tree with the odd growth and a large hole below the roots and later on, over to the left, back horn bridge. Would we go around or up the hill at this point? On up of course. Reaching the ridge we turned left and at some point passed the strap.

Carrying on we looked as if we would turn down to more water but we continued on the ridge for quite some time. We had time to chat and plan our social time. When we came off the ridge we had a rather awkward creek crossing and Velma slipped on the log. Hash nurse was on hand to complete a diagnosis. Velma was symptom free and we all continued on our way. A couple of turns and a trot uphill and we were into stage 3 of the hash, the out trail along Bill’s ridge. I can report that “fast” Clare found checks 1 and 3 and Satu Lagi the 2nd check. Many thanks to Sarong for giving us the chance to get the hash right the second time around!

At the shout up we welcomed back a returning hasher, Jenny, who has been in Oz. Elaine brought 2 first time guests, Caroline from UK and Christie from Canada. We hope to see them both again. Diva introduced us to the JM’s justice for talkers during the shout up. Be warned. The jester’s hat was passed to Speedo who explained how man was created from a useless tit. Alice in Wonderland told us how to grow wonderful vegetables. Hash members were encouraged to sign up for next year’s committee and there was a discussion about the date for our founder’s day celebrations. Email Diva with your opinion.

The Halloween run on 26th Oct will start at 6pm. Start preparing your costumes – black and white theme. Wina hobbled to the front to tell us about her successful sponsored walk and it was time for the hash hit to be passed on. Smurf claimed it this week for not signing out – she had been too busy. Dizzy showered her and half the hash with water and we moved on to enjoy the food that everyone had brought to share. Another great evening under the stars. On On GI Jane



HARES: Jane/Speedo/Tango