Monday, May 12, 2008

RUN NO. 2072

RUN NO. 2072
HARES: Sarong/Jenni/Tracey
HENS: 38

We descended upon Diplo once again. The usual rabble, searching out hashing boots, insect repellent, water carriers etc. At 5.15 the horn was very ably sounded by Anna, a recent trainee who is going great guns! Off we shot, for about 20 seconds before we realised we had gone off paper, duh! We were craftily lead in through the middle, not left and up onto to the ridge as we so often do. Drier conditions made a pair of trainers a good thing, unfortunately changing mid-hash is not an option.

We finally stumbled on first check. Not so many checkers tonight, and if I remember correctly, I think the on paper was found and called through by Carol (who was supposed to be taking it easy tonight……). Forgive me if I have made a mistake with that shaky recollection. On we went, front horn bounding through at a cracking pace. More of those lovely Diplo inclines to test our mettle, and to second check. After a bit of intellectual checking debate, the on paper was found by Angela, back up to the left.

Then lo and behold but a mere 5 minutes later we were checking again; the paper had led us up and over a ridge and down the other side and there we met the check. This proved to be back up and down to the right and was, I think, found by Trish. The trails were much clearer from here on, and provided us with a chance to stretch our legs and have a bit of a run. The hens were pretty much together on this run, checks having bunched us up on more than one occasion.

A sneaky fourth check was added, and speedily found by Sarah C (so speedily in fact that she couldn’t speak when she got out). A grinding hill brought us out, in pretty good time (especially for a Sarong run).
The shout-up commenced, and the JMs informed us that it was World Chicken Day (or something like that) and they had thoughtfully done a little lucky draw for us, with lots of…..erm…..chicken themed prizes! Thank-you JMs!

Sarong and Jenny celebrated special runs – Sarong runs and Jenni runs. Well done you two! And thank you for the makan. Under darkening skies, the gentle merriment and bonding we are so fond of continued, punctuated by final rehearsals for our nash hash extravaganza! And finally another hash successfully faded into the night. On on! Scribe: Pee Wee

NEXT RUN: SPG 672 Jalan Kota Batu - town end
HARES: Madmarg/Nancy

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