Monday, January 27, 2014

RUN NO. 2370 RIMBA 21JAN14

RUN NO. 2370
DATE: 21 JAN 2014

G’day fellow hashes and welcome to this weeks run. The AUSTRALIA DAY run! Woo Hoo!

JMs during shout up.
Thank you to last weeks hares for an excellent run, although some of us wouldn’t have described it as mainly flat. It was a beaut run all the same and the rain was kind enough to have a rest and let us have a dryish run. It was a run which had all the hallmarks of a good typical hash – mud, water, long grass and some hilly challenges – made harder so by the days of previous rain. Good fun though.

What was good too is the introduction of 8 new hashers brought along by Speedy Gonzalez. Well done. They took the challenge well and we hope they keep coming. I think the run had a great turn out for this time of year and the hares fed us well with some great tukka.

The array of first time guests mostly from JIS.

Thank you ladies.

This weeks run I cannot say much about as its all weather orientated. It could be long. It could be short. Who knows. Whatever, it will be fun and after we hope you will all enjoy joining us after with a typical aussie Barbie.

NEXT RUN: TANJ BUNUT KANAN -----Bring a chair and Aussie gift for a swap
HARES: Legally Blonde/Hot Lips/Never Wrong

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